How to deal with outrageous medical bills

How to deal with outrageous medical bills

  We all know that when it comes to healthcare is better to prevent than to treat. Similarly, when it comes to medical bills, it’s better to take all the necessary measures to avoid escalating costs. As you might already know the invoices for hospital stays or...
Do You Need a Finance Degree to Become a Day Trader?

Do You Need a Finance Degree to Become a Day Trader?

Day trading sounds like one of those really daunting financial dealings only professionals understand, and yet, you may have friends or colleagues who are not pro financiers but nevertheless rave about making money by day trading. If you are thinking about joining in,...
5 Money Mistakes You Might Be Making

5 Money Mistakes You Might Be Making

There was a time when people simply went to work, collected a paycheck and fed their families. Times have changed with the evolution of technology, though, and a growing number of people are becoming educated about finances. And thanks to the internet, you can become...