10 Proven Auto Repair Shop Advertising Ideas to Boost Your Business

If you own an auto repair shop, you want to attract new customers and retain your current ones. The good news is that there are many ways to promote your business for little to no cost. A vehicle repair shop is a reliable source of revenue that does well, mainly when the economy is strong and more people are buying cars. Moreover, body shops are among the relatively few industries unaffected by the rise of online shopping.

One of the best ways to do this is through online advertising. In particular, pay-per-click (PPC) search engine advertising can be a great way to generate traffic and quality leads for your business.

Ask for Online Reviews

Online reviews are a business’s most powerful marketing tool for auto repair shop advertising ideas. They can boost your reputation, rank well on Google, and help you build trust with prospective customers.

However, there are some things you should know about asking for online reviews. For starters, don’t spam your customers with review requests.

Create a Facebook Business Page

Creating a Facebook business page can help your auto repair shop become visible to millions of potential customers. It also allows you to engage with customers directly and regularly connect with them.

Post content that offers value to your audience. This will help them feel comfortable engaging with your shop and encourage them to return for more.

Create a Group Page

Creating a group page on Facebook can be a great way to build relationships with customers and promote your business. The community features on Facebook groups make it easy for members to interact with you and ask questions about your products or services.

To get started, set up a cover photo and title your group. You can also add a description and rules for the group.

Write Blog Posts

Writing blog posts is a great way to establish yourself as a subject matter expert and provide value to your audience. It also helps build trust with your readers, which is critical to converting them into customers.

The first step is to choose a topic relevant to your business. You can research keywords and check what your target audience is searching for.

Send Service Reminders

A well-designed service reminder system can build a long-term relationship with your customers. It can also boost customer satisfaction and increase car counts.

By sending reminders via email and text, you can help your customers keep up with regular maintenance and appointments. This can boost car counts and increase the chances that your customers will come back again for any future repairs.

Send Out Deals

Whether it’s a free oil change, a special promotion, or a gift card, sending out deals can help boost your business. It creates urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) among your customers, which can be especially effective for new customers.

Putting together short daily life videos at your shop can also be a great way to connect with current and potential customers. These videos can be lighthearted and fun, so don’t be afraid to use them!

Offer a Loyalty Program

A customer loyalty program effectively increases your shop’s short- and long-term profit. They can boost sales, generate referrals and create a solid customer base for your auto repair shop.

To build a robust loyalty program, think about your customers’ values. Make your loyalty tiers and non-monetary rewards tie in with what they’re passionate about.

Ask for Referrals

One of the easiest ways to attract new business is through referrals. A satisfied customer can recommend your auto repair shop to their friends and family members.

Asking for referrals should be a natural progression in your relationship with a customer.

The first step is ensuring you’re doing everything right and providing the best service possible for your customers.

Next, you need to find a good time to make the request. The best way to do this is to schedule a meeting with them or visit their office.

Print Ads

Print ads are a great way to reach your target market and build trust. They have a high rate of return and are still effective, even with the rise of digital advertising.

You can advertise locally in local papers, small magazines, school mailers, networking events, and poolside cook-offs.

You can also use direct mail to send your ads directly to prospects and decision-makers. It’s a more cost-effective way to target your audience, and you can include your shop’s logo in the print materials.

Use Social Media

Social media channels are among the most effective ways to boost your auto repair shop’s reputation and drive repeat customers. Using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms, you can connect with local people and encourage them to share your content or recommend your business.

Posting content that provides value to your followers is the key. This could be car maintenance tips, safety advice, or traffic information.