
Succeeding in your career is a huge objective within many peoples lives. No matter what industry or sector you are involved it is important to reach your goals and to strive to be the best that you can be. There can be many different motives for this, whether it being more money, self-achievement or being able to give yourself a better life. Even though objectives are going to be different depending on your career choice, I have included tips that will help you across the board no matter the job role.


It is very common within the work place for monthly or annual review with your employer, these reviews are designed to help evaluate and improve your performance. There is no doubt that receiving this information from a senior colleague or employer will benefit you and will allow you to focus on areas you need to improve. However it does not have to stop there, if you can be evaluated by others what is stopping you evaluating yourself? Self-evaluation is a great way to help you strive towards goals and accomplishments. Set yourself goals and targets to achieve each month, note them down and access your progress each week. By doing this you will be able to keep track of where you are succeeding whilst also being able to pin point areas that you need to improve on.

Work Hard

Success goes hand in hand with hard work, like everything the more that you put in the more you will get out of it. Try to work through and beyond your scheduled work ours when you need to, making sure that you are excelling and overachieving within your job role. Additional work will not go unnoticed, you will become reliable to your employer and when roles become available to further your career you will find yourself on top of the list. The more hours you put in, the more targets you are going to achieve in a shorter period of time and this will allow you to set further objectives.


There is always someone in the work place or business world that you look up to; you respect them and their accomplishments. Take inspiration from that person, how have they succeeded? What can you do to emulate that success? Take Marc Leder for example, who is such an inspiring and respected figure in the business world. Leder has achieved so much since achieving his bachelors degree in economics, he is currently Co-Chief Executive Officer of Sun Capital Partners and has been engaged in leveraged buy outs and business operations for over 25 years. Leder co-founded Sun Capital Partners in 1995 after leaving his Senior Vice President role at Lehman Brothers.

Stay Focused

Staying focused can be hard at times, there are always going to be times where work is getting the better of you. The key is to not let times like that knock you back, keep going, keep working hard and overcome it. Prepare yourself mentally and always give your role everything you have got. If you want to get to the very top there are going to be sacrifices you will have to make, make your career your main priority and trust me when you get there it will be worth it.