When hearing the term “medical industry”, the first job roles many people think of are physicians and nurses. It is certainly true that these two professions are important parts of the ecosystem of any major medical institution. Without these professionals and their specialized versions, many major medical procedures and processes that help people to overcome health conditions would not be possible.

However, many people outside of the medical industry bubble might not realize that there are actually many different career paths available in this sector. From the clinical lab technician to the art therapist, there are plenty of other ways people can be part of this rewarding sector. This article will explore just a handful of the lesser-known positions available in the medical industry.

Art therapist

The word “therapy” has different connotations for different people. For some, therapists are there to help you get back on your feet following an injury of some variety – perhaps by re-introducing you to exercise and movement. For those who have suffered from mental health conditions, it’s likely to have associations of psychotherapy or talking about feelings and emotions.

Both of these professions are medical in some way, and they are services that are often offered at clinics and other healthcare institutions. A more unusual form of therapy is art therapy. Practicing art can help with physical problems, such as neurological conditions that can cause hand and coordination skills to decline. It can also have relaxation and antidepressant benefits.

Working in the lab

Those who want a non-physician clinical career but aren’t sure exactly what to do have several options. An ADN nursing associate degree could be one option, and finding out about the program can help you decide. Working as a clinical lab technician is another popular choice. When you undergo a test from a physician or other healthcare professional, it will often be sent away – either off the premises or to another part of the clinic – for analysis. This job is carried out by clinical lab technicians.

These professionals know what to look for when it comes to potential diseases, and it’s a highly skilled and important role. This career path tends to be suited to those who are keen to work toward patient welfare outcomes but for whatever reason have chosen not to go for the positions requiring direct patient interaction. This might be because of the intense working schedules those roles often have or because of a preference for solitary work.

Sleep professionals

Going to sleep is a normal part of the daily routine for almost everyone, but for those who suffer from sleep-related conditions, it can be a serious problem. Oversleeping is often associated with issues related to depression, while snoring is something that many people have experienced – or at least heard – from time to time. At the other end of the spectrum, insomnia can cause real misery for many people.

As a sleep professional, you’ll be doing everything from monitoring the air intake of a sleeper to recommending appropriate aids for good sleep. These days, there are some cutting-edge sleep aid technologies available, such as continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machines, that can assist with sleep apnea. By specializing in this area of medicine, you’ll be able to make a real difference to people’s quality of life.

Medical communications

Medical establishments are often in the news, and not always for a good reason. On some occasions, the arrival of a new piece of equipment or the opening of a new wing of a hospital can be great for publicity. However, an accident involving patient welfare or a funding crisis can cause negative press. As a communications professional specializing in medicine, you’ll be responsible for managing the reputations of all kinds of medical institutions. With so many issues pertaining to health (such as hospital closures, suggested models like single-payer healthcare, and more) in the news seemingly every day, it’s not surprising that public relations teams that can offer medicine-specific skills are in such high demand.

The medical industry might be known for some of its most popular roles, but its large scope means it also has plenty of other, less recognized positions available. With clinical lab technicians, sleep specialists, art therapists and more all on offer, the medical profession is clearly one of the most diverse in the wider economy. For a young, soon-to-be medical professional, this kind of diversity means that there’s a whole world of specialization from which to choose.